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Love the dungeon part. challenging yet fun.

Close to 80 days ago and I still absolutely love the bleeding-eyes lady gif <3

Amazing pixel art <3

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A bit of an odd request but would you kindly post the GIF of the lady with the horror-eyes thing somewhere like imgur?  Basically it would be the same gif used when browsing the itchio store.  I'd love to be able to use it when telling my friends about this game.  Please and thanks!  :)

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Oh my word this is so beautiful and creepy!  Kudos to the artist!  <3

I'm gonna get some viral word of mouth going for ya then ^_^

I've been posting the gif everywhere I can get away with it.  Maybe I can turn it into a meme ;)

I hope that this has resulted in the dev getting a lot more attention/sales of their game :)

I'd like to see that happen lol

where are local game save files located sir?

Windows: %appdata%/Seek Etyliv
Linux / Mac: ~/.Seek Etyliv

thank u sir